Average rating3.8
HAHAHA WHAT AN ENDING. I thought the last part of the book got pretty easy to predict and cheesy at all the wrong moments. However, the story is still good and of course I want to see how this version of a love triangle plus estranged mother story plays out. I kinda enjoyed this more than the first book, sorta. Excited to get my hands on the next book!
I liked this book better than the first. I felt it had more character development and more background on the Dystopian culture. Would've been a great book if I had stopped listening about 2 minutes before the end.
rém idegesítő volt a más által* már említett koncepcióváltás. főleg, hogy nem igazán éreztem, hogy a múltbéli vonal túl sokat hozzátett volna az eseményekhez. oké, megismertünk pár új szereplőt (akik részemről igencsak felejthetők mint karakterek), meg ott vettük föl általa a fonalat, ahol az előző részben letettük, de olyan nagyon sokat azért nem nyomtak a latban ezek a dolgok, csak időhúzásnak volt jó.
a sorozat első részéhez képest ez elég nagy csalódás volt számomra.
(* a molyon)
I'm totally hooked. This books have been me of the better dystopians I've read. It's interesting how society changes when love is considered a contagious disease.
Well, I'm glad I wasn't a fan of the events of the book because the author turned it on its head in the last couple pages. It'll be interesting to find out how she explains the plot twist and if she'll be able to pull it off successfully since it was such a massive plot twist. A good, quick read.
I was surprised by how much I got into this! I read [b:Delirium 11614718 Delirium (Delirium, #1) Lauren Oliver http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327890411s/11614718.jpg 10342808] a couple years ago when it was new, and I think I just had like, dystopia fatigue. But now I've been off dystopias for awhile and I took the audiobook of this since it was about the same length as the trip to my parents' house, and also I just read [b:Liesl & Po 10425811 Liesl & Po Lauren Oliver http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1298937848s/10425811.jpg 14615333] and was feeling favorably toward Lauren Oliver.I meant to read a summary of Delirium before I left, but I forgot to do so, but I basically did okay at getting Pandemonium. She does a good job of feeding you back the stuff you need to know.Also I think maybe the first book had a lot of heavy lifting to do with worldbuilding and in this one things are more established and Lena has more adventures and such?? IDK IDK. Whatever, I'm into it, and I put myself on the list for [b:Requiem 9593913 Requiem (Delirium, #3) Lauren Oliver http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1340992438s/9593913.jpg 14480925] & will def be reading it as soon as possible.Readalikes include basically every other YA dystopia, whatever.The audiobook I felt neither subtracted or added to the experience. The reader was fine, but not one of those were I would say the audiobook was way better than the text book. It was a good car book though because it's pretty fast paced and exciting.oh and one of my favorite thing was how Raven is like too tough and Lena runs away to save Julien and she's thinking she's done with the revolution forever but then Raven realizes she was wrong and comes to help. I think it's nice to see that kind of character development and friendship or w/e, and I think a lot of authors would have gone for the "Lena and Julien against the world, no one understands!!" narrative, but I really appreciated that Raven etc came to help. YAY!Oh and I liked that there was a canonically queer couple in a way that was like realistic and casual but also kind of a big deal because homosexuality is illegal in this dystopia? It'd be cool if our protagonist were queer but, you know, better than nothing. Or maybe that will be the twist in the 3rd book!!
I like a lot more than the first one because this one is less about love and so much more about fighting to survive. I was in love with it (how it is writen, how the story develops... ♡) until I realesed that Lena in this book looks like Katniss Everdeen so many times. No one can replace Katniss but it sometimes looked like a copy of her.
Another point I don't like is the end. The very end. In the first book the end was the best part but in this one I don't like it at all, it was also surprinsing and powerfull but still a bad idea. Let's see if the third one fixes this mistake.
It's young adult fiction so I don't feel like I can be too harsh but holy crap this book was terrible. Predictable as hell and all the “Alex, Alex, oh my dear beloved Alex, how can I ever go on without him” made me wanna puke. Can we have some more strong female leads in young adult fiction that don't need dudes to be strong and carry on?