Average rating4
If you want a book with a twist, or maybe two or three, this is definitely one you should pick up. It's not very often that I start the year with a really good book, but hopefully this is a sign of goodreads (heh) in 2023
MINOR SPOILERS for the premise:
This was a fun twist on a sort of Groundhog Day premise: whenever the protagonist goes to sleep, she wakes up on another day further into the past. It's also a pulpy murder mystery, where we have seen the murder and now have to discover the events leading up to it as they happen, but in reverse. A neat idea!
I was really along for the ride the entire time, as the protagonist isn't stupid and tries interesting ways to deal with her situation, and the writing clips along at a good place. There are fun reveals and I kept adjusting my theories and looking for clues.
Unfortunately, I wasn't super satisfied by the ending, and a lot of the enjoyment of the book is in trying to piece together what happened, so it makes the whole thing a bit less interesting in retrospect. There are still elements of the ending I enjoyed, but the central mystery was a bit meh.
Still, I had a great time with this and it was a fun, quick read.
This was such an excellent read!
I loved the concept and I thought it was really well done!
It had me gripped from start to finish. I probably would have read the book in one go if not for other distractions.
I would definitely recommend it!
Thank you to NetGalley, Gillian McAllister and publishers Penguin Michael Joseph UK for the chance to read this book.
I started this book an hour or so ago, and I sadly come out of it very disappointed. I really should stop trusting overly hyped books, but I make that mistake again and again.
The premise is definitely interesting - a woman witnesses her son murdeirng someone and ends up being sent back in time by a day, and then another day before and then yet another day before, so on and so forth. She needs to piece together the mystery of why her son stabbed that person.
I am not one of these type of domestic thrillers, but the time travel element got me curious. But, damn, was I disappointed. If youve read one or two of these type of stories, you can guess what will take place. And sadly, this one is no different.
It is probably my mistake to try to apply actual time travel logic into this, to try and make it make sense, which perhaps ruins whatever is left to enjoy of this book.
I want to give it 1.5 stars just for effort
entertaining story with a unique concept & method of storytelling. it's interesting how events that seem small or insignificant in the moment may actually be a huge catalyst for other things in our lives
Tof concept, vooral ook hoe het gebruikt werd om geleidelijk aan meer over onze personages en het waarom te onthullen. Hoewel ik vond dat het verhaal een beetje te lang aansleepte, heb ik er over het algemeen van genoten en vond ik het einde bevredigend en passend.
amazing concept not good execution i definitely think this book went in a direction i didn't like and the more and more it got revealed i just started to not like it. i did enjoy the first 10% a lot then the more and more i read the more i just thought it was fine. i didnt care for the ending or the last third of this book.
If you want a book with a twist, or maybe two or three, this is definitely one you should pick up. It's not very often that I start the year with a really good book, but hopefully this is a sign of goodreads (heh) in 2023
You know those rare times when you fine a book which grabs you from page 1 and you can't stop reading? This was one of those books.
I was just so engrossed for every single page, I literally gasped out loud at multiple twists as they were revealed. I was just so into it.
I will definitely be reading more from this author if this is the standard of her books.
There's something here... just doesn't quite click. Author's repetition is frustrating.
Once you figure out the twists, there's nothing really else to it.
Tough as an audiobook, this took me forever to finish but the last 25% of the book was so good
This is how you write a psychological thriller! I originally thought it was going to be a classic groundhog-day storyline, but the concept of living your life backwards and hunting for clues in reverse was something I'd never seen before. This may be up there with some of the best written thrillers I've read!
My only qualm is that there were 3 reveals about certain characters that I easily guessed early on with complete accuracy. These reveals were really the biggest ones in the book. I was exp
Rating = 3.5, Not enough dialog, very slow at times & could have been shorten by 50 pages!
Lots of awards, Reece's Book of Month & good mystery w some surprises!
Objectively very good, but it just didn't grab me like I would have expected to. Not sure why. Also there was a weird inconsistency when they were talking about politics, which wouldn't normally bother me, but when you're dealing with time travel, these details make all the difference.
Tres estrellas y media.
Un libro con un argumento original, que mantiene el suspense desde la primera página. Me dejaba siempre con ganas de seguir leyendo. Lo recomiendo.
I liked the time travel, but thought this would be more of a domestic thriller. I liked the clever ending, but it was a little too “crime-y” for me.
What a great surprise! Involving and interesting in a crescendo, against all odds.
This book was very engaging from beginning to end, with lots of twists and turns that kept the story fresh and exciting, I spent a lot of my time not reading it trying to figure out what the heck was going on.
However the ending just didn't do it for me. Some aspects of it were incredible and there was an Agatha Christie level plot twist, but the whole time travel thing just because a bit much and too sci-fi. Took off one star because of that, but it really was overall a fantastic book, and I'll be looking out for more books the author writes.