Average rating4.4
Percy starts to grow up... and everything starts to get mushy. There's really nothing new in this book. No ‘startling' moments, only more of the same from the last four entries in this series. To top it all, the ending was totally predictable. IMHO, this is the worst book in the series, but it's still ‘OK'.
The writing style of these books is still not my favourite. The characters and events are not given the weight they deserve. When Grover was given his title, instead of making this a very important moment, the culmination of his life's work, and having that make it impactful, he just passes out for a laugh. It is such a waste of the potential of that moment. And the series is full of those moments where the tone of the book is just wrong. You can do a serious yet lighthearted book, but not this way.
The story ended how I thought it would. And I did want to know what happened to the characters but I definitely do not have the urge to know any more. I am glad I am finished with this.
I just loved this!!! It was soo emotional, and seriously the war here was much bigger and cooler than the Hogwarts battle. I mean this was serious! I loved Percy's request to the gods in the end. He is soo nice. I hope you're doing all right Annabeth. Seriously I knew Rachel will be special for something in this crazy world, love her! I felt bad for Luke... and many other heroes. I won't be reading other Rick Riordian books for some time (months or even more) I need time to heal because they're too much, fantasy books make my head weird. I still loved these times! You are one of my fave book series ever!!!
And that right there is how you properly end a series. I loved the Percy Jackson series, and even still this took me off guard with how fantastic it was. The intense emotions that are packed into this novel are incredible. I love how invested I was in every page, in every line. I was so happy. I also genuinely cried multiple times. The ending was flawless. Well done, Riordan!
Good book. Pretty decent end to the series, but I was unimpressed with the resolution of the Kronos storyline. I feel like either I missed something important or RR made the final confrontation too simple.
Last book in the PJO series! Ahh, this is always such a ride! It was an emotional rollercoaster. I felt joy, I felt anger, I felt misunderstood, I felt alone, I felt sad and I felt like I was a hero!
This book, this series, will always have a special place in my heart! I grew up with these stories and I love them to pieces!
This book is action packed and so fast paced! It literally sucks you in and it won't let you go until after you've finished the book (or not ...)! They grew up, so so fast!
Can't wait to reread the Heroes of Olympus series!
Muito muito bom o final!! Embora tenha um desfecho simples, achei cada acontecimento e cada ação que desencadeou ao final.
Gosto da visão humanizada dos deuses, tirando aquela visão onipresente dos deuses. Chorei de rir e os olhos lacrimejaram em muitos momentos durante a leitura.
Gostei do ponto mais masculino e imaturo do romance das personagens principais. Só o achei intenso final para um único livro. Deu a impressão que Rick havia se esquecido de desenvolver esse amor nos outros livros, preocupado em desenvolver a dúvida pelos sentimento de Annabeth por Luke do que por quem interessava ;)
Percy tornou-se um forte candidato a futura paixão platônica hahhahahahaha
What an amazing conclusion to such a beautiful series. I fell in love with these characters and I loved every single book in this series. They made me laugh, cry, scream and feel everything at once.
I can't wait to dive into Heroes of Olympus and meet the new demi-gods and see Percy, Annabeth and the rest of their friends grow
The boy continues to love the series and is looking forward to the new book six we just acquired. I admit this book is fun to read aloud.
There are aspects of the story that were surprise to me and others that resolved in a satisfying way for some who like a desired outcome.
One may ask how the gods could truly be in mortal danger. Riordan takes an interesting approach using the belief from mortals and infighting to create their Achilles heel. Percy uses this reality as leverage to get what most of us want from our parents: recognition and acceptance. I hope I will never be a parent that the boy has to fight to get my attention.
A great finale to a wonderful series. I appreciated that especially in this book, Percy had a clear personal journey with Nico, an expansion on how he had to get himself onto the quest in The Titan's Curse or was separated from the main group in The Battle of the Labyrinth. For me Percy's development was clear and purposeful in this story, uncomfortably trying to grow in power to match his enemies whilst accepting the strength in others and kinship. The logical placement of the Olympian Gods was nice to see as each had a clear objective, and the newly introduced Gods and Titans felt so appropriate to the themes of the story.
Riordan doesn't leave loose ends in this series either, every plot thread coming to fruition and certain characters and relationships being rewarded for their development with smart callbacks. This leads to a sense of satisfaction throughout the book, and unlike the previous entries this is basically one long battle/massive seige - but the series has earnt the right for this climax, making it feel like the only way Percy Jackson had ended.
But of course, Riordan leaves a tantalising cliffhanger for the sequel series...
Et voilà, premier cycle de Percy Jackson fini, j'ai passé un très bon moment, même si le tome 4 restera sans doute mon favori. La fin est géniale, épique, et vraiment assez bien construite (avec cependant quelques éléments que j'ai trouvé un peu exagérés), le livre cède aussi à un énorme cliffhanger pas du tout subtile pour lancer le nouveau cycle mais qui réussit à donner envie de continuer à suivre ces aventures. De la bonne littérature jeunesse qui a vraiment le mérite de faire découvrir toute la mythologie grecque sous un jour nouveau.
THIS WAS ... FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
So now, I like first and last book best, WOOHOOOO :D
the other books all had the same pattern and sometimes it felt as if a lot of things were so random and as if Rick Riordan accidentally spilled his cup of tea on his keyboard. But that's not the point.
but ... but ... I hate finishing the series. Some stuff broke my heart and abandoning little Percy now feels.... like having your own child taken away from you.
But i will live... I survived Harry Potter's ending, I will survive this. wipes her eyes
This makes the perfect ending for the whole series, this is my favorite book in the series.
My first time around reading this series, I said Battle of the Labyrinth was my favorite of the five. I've changed my mind. Now The Last Olympian is definitely my favorite. There's so much action and my babies are all grown up and Percabeth is just the cutest thing, and I just love all of it and even Luke and what he did and- sigh
You have to read this fucking series.
This was a fun book. We get to see these teens all a little older and a little more mature. We get to see the plot line of these books kind of come to a close, while seeing the prophecy become fulfilled. I thought it was a satisfying conclusion to the series, and also set up the next series nicely. I'm excited to get into the next series because I've heard they're a little more mature. One of my biggest obstacles in this series was that they were obviously written for a much younger audience, so I had a hard time connecting. I feel like if I had read these when I was this age, I would've been absolutely enamored with it. Today, I still definitely respect the story and understand it's hype, I just couldn't connect as well. Still definitely worth the read!
TW: death, demons, depression, fire, loss of loved ones, skeletons, violence, war themes
WOW, HAD I FORGOTTEN THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD! I mean, I was at the edge of my seat even though I knew what was happening. Definitely my one of my favorite books of this series. Amazing.