The Word for World Is Forest

The Word for World Is Forest

1972 • 178 pages


Average rating4.1

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Always a pleasure reading Le Guin and her so accurately described class / power struggles.

Also I wonder how much “Avatar” and George Lucas Ewoks were inspired by this work.

Note: try and get the SF masterwork edition for her introduction to it.

April 23, 2023
February 25, 2023

Cutting down the trees
making slaves of the natives
that's the human way.

April 11, 2016
April 9, 2022

What an amazing book! I am only just discovering Le Guin for the first time, and this book is so clearly influential to many other books I have read. I am going to be on a rading spree to finish all her other books.

The audible recording is very nice, I recommend it highly.

December 25, 2013

Le Guin's work ages well. Infuriating; heartbreaking; you know the whole book is a train wreck, you know you won't escape unharmed, you go in anyway because you trust Le Guin to leave you, not safe, but somehow a better person. What a heart she had.

November 21, 2018

An anti war novel with commentary on deforestation, told as a classic science fiction story. There is so much crammed in to such a short book yet it still makes for an easy read.

December 9, 2022

This book is truly a kick in the gut!

An important book to read. Is it Le Guin's angriest novel? Even if it is it is thought provoking.

May 6, 2024
January 1, 2009

I had difficulty reading parts of this book (I blame me, not the author) and rage read other parts. However, the themes and lessons to be learned are valuable and relevant today.

July 3, 2024
July 23, 2024

They gave them the gift of killing, and received in return the gift of not-killing. A gut punch of a message. So wonderfully pragmatic and poetic presented in this novella with one of my favorite book titles ever.

October 12, 2024

This book is based af

November 24, 2022

The only way to beat the colonialist is through his own game, with his tools, and you will forever be fucked by it. Thoroughly disheartening to read in some ways.

April 30, 2015

Speculative fiction that's barely fiction at all, but a decent read nonetheless.

July 28, 2024