Average rating3.8
This is a SOLID creepy thriller with good characters and a plot that moves along nicely. Libby is an interesting and complex character with a well-written history that added to her development and multi-layers - a feat I really appreciate when authors do right. A bit confusing at times, I will say, but still a thrill of a read and something I enjoyed a lot.
WOW. Holy shit wow. I was so afraid that I was allowing the Bookstagram hype to get into my head too much over this book...and that when I finally got to read it I'd be sorely disappointed.
I had no reason to be afraid. And it was even better than I thought it could possibly be.
If you're looking for an action packed thriller than this isn't it. This is a slow burn. This slowly sinks it's claws into your brain and by the time you've realized it it's got a grip and it won't let go.
It's told from a couple of points of view and 2 timelines and every chapter it switches so you're basically always getting JUST enough before taking it away and feeding you something new.
I started last night and I'm already done even though I'm tired and should be sleeping because my kids, much like myself, are early risers. And now here I am, everyone is asleep, and I don't know wtf to do with myself. WORTH IT.
liked the unique story but last quarter of the book sucked and ruined everything
Not what I expected it to be.
This is my first read from Jewell, so I'm not entirely familiar with her work. This book is filled with dysfunctional family drama, secrets, and twisted stories. I'm a sucker for that so I definitely had to finish this book to find out what really happened in the mansion and what happened to Libby's family.
I wish it was a little more creepy. I didn't get attached to any of the characters, and it felt like the narration started going in circles, but overall I enjoyed the book.
I enjoyed this one, but I think I liked The Family Remains better. I'm glad I read that one first. Henry is just really getting his voice by the end of this one. Having said that, I wasn't bored and always wanted to keep reading.
This was a brilliant read! Very tense and intriguing.
Without giving too much away, some of the things that went on in that house were just beyond crazy! I struggle to understand how some of the adults in that house thought any of what they were doing was OK! The poor kids. I felt awful for them.
It was very gripping and I can't wait to read The Family Remains!
First five star rating. ⭐️ After reading this, I had to bump down other books to 4 stars that I though would be 5. This was great.
I see a sequel is coming out and I came back to book one to read my review only to discover I didn't write one. Damn. I remember this book clearly, particularly how much the children stuck with me. And the ending. I'm thrilled to hear there's a sequel coming. I want to know what Harry finds in Africa.
Not what I was expecting at all! It jumped back and forth in time which it did need to so you could get the back story, but not a fan of books that do that. Glad everything was explained by the end of the story - although does Henry end up killing Phin?
Was on a number of “best of 2019” lists and I can see why. Well contructed 3 Point of View tale that finally blends . No huge sting in the tail but very readable
The beginning is a little slow, but then it gets going. I suspected something and then found out if it was true or not before another revelation came. Then it was a series of revelations. Some of them I expected and others I did not expect. I like the wrap up scene at the end. It makes me ready to rad the second book. There is more to this story!
Atmospheric, creepy, and insanely captivating. My jaw dropped multiple times. Truly one of my top recommendations for any thriller fan.
Okay, so this is one of those books where what you think you know is not even close to reality. Every chapter reveals more horrors within the walls of 16 Cheyne Walk.
Creepy and unsettling and a page turner but it was missing something. I'm not sure if I just don't care about the characters enough or if it's just forgettable. I can't quite place why I didn't like it more
Dit boek vond ik echt heel leuk en meeslepend. Het is wel op meerdere vlakken onrealistisch, vooral het gedrag en de reacties van bepaalde personages, wat toch een beetje voor een valse noot zorgde.
Maar over het algemeen vond ik het verhaal geweldig en kon ik het moeilijk aan de kant leggen. De verschillende perspectieve waren intrigerend en dreven het verhaal vooruit. Ook de meeste plotwendingen waren onverwacht en spoorden aan om verder te lezen. Naar het einde van het boek toe nam het tempo echter af en het is ook daar dat de misleidingen een beetje te geforceerd werden of gewoon van tafel werden geveegd. Het einde viel een beetje plat en ik wou dat de auteur er iets meer had mee gedaan.
Slow at first but towards the end it was so hard to put down.It has short chapters that will help you fly through the book, gets really creepy at times and has the spooky inherited house trope.Highly recommend this!!Now onto [b:The Family Remains 58855185 The Family Remains (The Family Upstairs, #2) Lisa Jewell https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1636568994l/58855185.SY75.jpg 90282275]!!
[b:The Family Upstairs 43822820 The Family Upstairs Lisa Jewell https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1564517337l/43822820.SY75.jpg 66179743]Do not Drink the Kool-Aid If you follow my reviews at all this year then you know that Lisa Jewell is a new Gem to add to my Thriller bracelet. I read Watching You to get a feel for how Lisa writes and I was an instant fan. The Family Upstairs should be on everyone's book shelf if you love THRILLERS! What makes this a MUST READ! Is the duel perspective that is beautifully mastered by Ms. Jewell. On Libby's 25th birthday, she finds out she has inherited a Chelsea mansion that is been held in trust. She soon discovers the house has a dark history based on scant decades-old news coverage. Apparently, there were three cult-related suicides, but 10-month-old Libby was found unharmed and healthy within. Libby's chapters are so intriguing because once the house is in her universe, she becomes curious about her past and so do we as the reader. If you are disturbed by cults and taboo topics then you must sadly skip this read, I feel so sorry for you. You really do miss out. Then you have the chapters of Lucy. She is living day to day in France when she gets a reminder that the baby is 25 today.... I think Lucy by far might be my favorite character in this entire read because she is the most real. Libby is this angsty needs to find where she belongs character. Henry who is the last piece of this puzzle is this dark and spooky soul that knows everything that happened in the house and as you read his chapters you realize that he is going down this dark rabbit hole and that it is scary and wonderful all at the same time. If this review sounds like the ramblings of a mad woman, I assure you I just cannot put everything that should be said about this book on one page and I am not crazy. Go out and read it. Might be the best thing you do for yourself book wise. Thank You NetGalley for my digital arc of this stunning read and my apologize that I am so late on my review. This was stunning. I am disappointed that life got in the way and that I could not get to this sooner.
The first ~100 pages are so slow, but wow, after that this book is incredible. I wish I could wipe my mind and read it again for the first time!!!
great book although the other 2 lisa jewell books i read were top tier this one was still really good and i enjoyed it and it kept me invested. I am SO SO excited to read the sequel although Im not sure what the plot could be because it answered everything in this book. The last 100 pages of this book were WILD. The first bit was so good as well with the dual timeline with 3 different characters. I definitely found my favorite to be the Lucy one. The plot twist at the end were done really good some i did not see coming which definitely props this book up but overall I enjoyed this book and Lisa Jewell will forever be one of if not my favorite author every she was the one who got me back into reading
Realmente no se por dónde comenzar porque me he leído el libro de una sentada y ha sido supermegaultrahiper M A R A V I L L O S O Me ha enganchado desde la primera página y aunque es cierto que el final se veía venir (por lo menos desde mi punto de vista ya que soy una adicta a este género y una pues ya saca sus conjeturas y suposiciones ¬‿¬ ) ha mantenido mi curiosidad durante todo el libro.
Lo primero es que he visto vibes de la aclamada peli coreana Parasite, en el sentido de que una familia vive en una casa tranquilamente y de repente le roban hasta el alma. El ambiente creado es perturbador desde el momento en que Libby pone un pie en la casa. Además, me ha encantado que para narrar en un primer momento lo que ocurrió en la casa se contara a través de las sensaciones de Libby.
Segundo, los personajes. HENRY, tú primero. Me ha dado más miedo la personalidad de este personaje que la casa. Es taaaan misterioso, mezquino y manipulador que aún habiendo acabado el libro pienso qué va a ser capaz de hacer en la continuación.
Lucy me ha dado bastante pena :( su vida ha sido un desastre desde pequeña, con la violación de David y después los continuos malos tratos. Además, cuando es capaz de matar a Michael, OH MY GIRL, te apoyo hasta el infinito y te busco hasta coartada. Supo hacerle frente a una basura de persona y me alegré por ella. NO es NO.
Sus hijos, mega cutes. Marco demasiado adulto para ser un niño pero es cómo la vida lo formó.
El padre, Henry, también me causó mucha ternura. Estaba viendo todo y era incapaz de hacer nada, ¿o a lo mejor sí? Desde luego se sentía inferior a David y eso le dio más poder a este último para adentrarse cada vez más en la casa.
Phin, quiero saber más de él ahhhhhh pero por lo poco que se ha visto en este libro siento que tiene muuuuucho que contar y además, es el único que puede decirnos qué y quién era su padre y cómo acabó así.
Por último, si es cierto que me hubiese gustado saber la razón de que la esposa de Henry dejara entrar a tanta gente en su casa. Creo que se debía a que buscaba “sentirse más completa” pero es algo que he supuesto yo y no que esté claramente aclarado en el libro.
Y más por último aún, no puedo NO MENCIONAR A ❤ FITZ ❤ Es que un perrito siempre es bien.
Ah! Se me olvidaba mencionar que me ha gustado mucho el toque romántico (que apenas hay) entre Miller y Libby. Y, es que, el amor te sorprende en segundos y viene incluido con salsa de tomate en la barba.